Contact & Order
Facts etc.
How To
Contact & Order
Thanks for your interest in Astrolotones!
We are happy to answer questions .
Please forgive our informal beginnings, a shopping cart is coming soon!
When you are ready to order p
lease complete the form below.
Please include in comment section:
1. Name of person the Astrolotones is for. (If name is uncommon, please provide phonetics, so we may pronounce it correctly on audio introduction)
2. Date of birth
3. Time of birth
(if you are unaware of the specific time give us what information you have if any)
4. City, State and Country of birth
5. Background sounds choices for 45 minute and 15 minute meditations\
(sample on home page)
A) Gentle Ocean Surf
B) Gentle Babbling Brook
C.) Sedona Fall Evening(base of airport vortex)
The backgrounds can be the same or different for each meditation.
Please let us know which backgrounds you choose.
5. Mailing info:
Full Name,
Mailing address
6. Credit Card information for payment.
We will need security code, expiration date and zip code card is mailed to.
If you have any questions please submit them below and we will respond as soon as possible.
Name of person ordering the Astrolotones in case we have any questions.
Phone Number
Phone number of person ordering Astrolotones.
Name of person ordering Astrolotones.
Purchase an Astrolotone Customized Composition
1 for $44.44 plus shipping and tax if applicable.
2 for $77.77 plus shipping and tax if applicable.
3 for $99.99 plus shipping and tax if applicable
To order your Astrolotones you must provide all items 1-6 that are covered above.
Questions / Comments
Subscribe to our mailing list
indicates required
Email Address
First Name
Last Name
( mm / dd )
Astrolotones is not intended as medical, legal or financial advice.
[email protected]
Burton, Ohio 440-252-1095